Sunday 23 December 2012

1 week down-Finding our feet!

Almost a whole week down and the Dowans is still standing! Although, considering I have been doing some of the accounting work, it is honestly a wonder (even to me) that we haven't already gone under! Mathematics is definitely still not my strong point and I think if Rhona, our go-to lady of the hour, hears me shout from the general area of the front desk/office one more time then she might clobber me with one of the many stag heads that adorn the walls!

The list of things that we had to do was already as long as all of our arms combined but, now that we are here and have actively started to work on that list, it seems to be getting longer by the second. Additionally, our well thought out ideas for the enhancement of the business and the interior design of the building are more prominent in our minds as we look around and see the potential for this stunning baronial mansion. Subsequently, I think that Sean's planned stay of 6 months (or until he finally gets his coveted piloting job) might get drastically reduced if he is told of one more area that he needs to go and clear out of odd bits and ends! The one skip that we hired might therefore need to be increased to two!

The clearing out of piles of what mum has definitively declared to be 'rubbish' might not be the only thing that reduces Sean's time with us as we were informed by a guest at the beginning of the week (who was unaware that this building was once the nursery section of the local orphanage) that he was awoken one night by what he could only describe as the sounds of children laughing and playing. Together with the howling wind, the standard creaking floorboards of such an old house and Sean's already active imagination, any viewing of the Shining or any more talk of ghosts (or Poltergeists as Lauren has insisted they might be!) would certainly send him over the edge and off back to Glasgow!
Although, considering that he is being royally treated by Alison, our breakfast Chef, who has taken a particular shining to Sean's endless (cough) charms, his rush out of the door might not be quite so quick.

Apparently Sean is not the only one to be affected by living in such a large house as mum had dad up at a ridiculous hour this morning to source the 'noise' that woke her up from her sleep! In a 17 bedroom house, this is no easy feat!

Beyond early morning investigations, mum is thoroughly enjoying having the access to an industrial kitchen (particularly the combi oven which might make our Christmas lunch an easier cooking task!) and the chance to discuss some of her plans for the menus with our Chef, Murray (coincidentally named!). Watch this space for some of the dishes that they both come up with!

Dad, on the other side of the food creation process i.e. the eating, is also enjoying the fact that he is no longer the self-proclaimed family dishwasher although Lauren and I might have to rein in his apparent determination that we not only serve guests but also him and that his dishes will magically walk themselves to the dishwasher!

Altogether, it has been a whirlwind week full of eager learning; discovering new aspects of this new role and life that I don't think any of us had fully anticipated before our arrival in this beautiful part of the Scottish Highlands. We have thoroughly enjoyed every second and, although we sometimes have to pinch ourselves in order to convince ourselves that this is 'ours', I'm throughly convinced that this is only the beginning of what is going to be an exciting journey. Over the next few weeks, we are all looking forward to meeting more of the lovely and welcoming locals that have already graced us with their presence and hopefully we can convince them that our hospitality will extend beyond that first dram!

As we wait on the arrival of our first extended family member guest, our Gran, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and hope that Santa brings you all that you wished for!

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